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L2 X100000 on alert


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Good afternoon, staff of l2 x100000 should look a little more at the server,
 because many people are not playing because of the joke that the donations 
are, I just donated helped the server with 50 euros, and it seems that I am 
not heard by anyone , people create a clan, dominate the area farm, dominate
 the bosses, don't let anyone play just them, with absurd damage, 50k + and 
you don't do anything, don't do an event to make the people equal, the game
 is very disproportionate, only them they play like a bunch of spoiled brats,
 sometimes they close the farm, and nobody else farms but them 10 donate 
clique everything strong, instead of helping the newcomers that are coming 
and encouraging them to play, they just end the immersion and a lot players 
stop, I came with 22 Brazilian people to play, I didn't have any help or an 
incentive, I had to donate to get more or less strong, even so it's very 
uneven I'll end up doing like most and stop playing or migrating.



put other bosses to drop things , because then 5 days of server have 5 
that are already full , and the rest newbie can not play because these 5
 take turns and do not let , put gm to make events during the days with
 prizes in l2 mad , pro people manage to get strong too, if you don't take
 an attitude you will let the server go bankrupt even before leveraging,
 they are donations but what do you prefer, receive 10x500 euro, or receive
 1000 of 100 or 50 euros, because those who are stopping are people 
that they would possibly compare in the game, but they don't buy it because
 it's very uneven, and it's not worth it. so please adm look after us.
 just a request from a normal player who just wants to have fun, this fun
is being taken away because of pampered players with no empathy for the
 well being of the server in general.






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