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Server Opening Update [x100000] February 25th


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We present you a list of changes for the opening of the server:

  • Implemented the automatic issuance of bonuses Top 5 clans in the form of Donate Coin:
     - Bonuses are now issued automatically every Monday at 20:00 to the leaders of the Top 5 Clans
     - At the moment of issue, there is an announcement on the server
     - After the award is given, the entire clan reputation is also cleared
     - Current bonuses are available in this thread

  • Money action for clans replaced by 1x1 Tournament for 1350$ Dollars! (Read more)

  • Trade and Party:
     - Implemented automatic reception of requests Trades and Patys with their second windows
     - In addition to the automatic confirmation of the request (with the second windows), the transaction itself is automatically confirmed if you confirm it on one of the 2 windows

  • It is now forbidden to use nicknames with Russian characters (change in Donate Shop)

  • Clan and Party:
     - Again, the maximum number in the party: 9 people
     - The maximum number in the clan: 18 people

  • Invulnerability after teleport:
     - Now visually the player stands as in "Stealth
     - The player now comes out with 7 seconds of invulnerability only after an action (attack, movement, etc.)

  • Clan is now created 1 level, for its increase will require euro.jpg Euros (number of people in the clan, SP, as well as the reputation for the promotion is not required, only the currency):


    1 lvl: free
    2 lvl: 400 euro.jpg Euro (subject to change)
    3 lvl: 500 euro.jpg Euro (subject to change)
    4 lvl: 600 euro.jpg Euro (subject to change)
    5 lvl: 700 euro.jpg Euro (subject to change)
    6 lvl: 800 euro.jpg Euro (subject to change)
    7 lvl: 900 euro.jpg Euro (subject to change)
    8 lvl: 1000 euro.jpg Euro (subject to change)
    Etc_raid_f_i00_0.jpg Items for learning clan skills are sold in the Coin Shop for euro.jpg Euro

  • Enchanting Skills:
  • codex.jpg Secret Book of Giants - sold for euro.jpg Euro at Coin Shop (other)
    Etc_codex_of_giant_i03_0.jpg Giant's Codex - Mastery - in case of unsuccessful sharpening the skill is not reset, but remains at the same level, sold for euro.jpg Euro in Coin Shop (other)
    Chance of enhanting skills increased, added ability to enchant Skill0146_0.jpg passive skills, skills Skill0337_0.jpg 3 profession
  • Master of New Skills:
    - Now each skill can be improved 5 times (instead of 2), adjusted given characteristics:
    bpatk.jpg Physical Attack. Each level increases the strength of the physical attack by 2%
    bmatk.jpg Mag.attack. Each level increases magic attack power by 2%
    batkspd.jpg Attack Speed. Each level increases physical attack speed by 2%
    bcastspd.jpg Casting Speed. Each level increases cast speed by 2%
    bpdef.jpg Physical Def. Each level increases Physical Defense by 2%
    bmdef.jpg Mage Def. Each level increases Magic Defense by 2%
    bcphpmp.jpg CP/HP/MP. Each level increases CP/HP/MP by 1000
    bspeed.jpg Running Speed. Each level increases running speed by 2
  • Jewelry:
    - Epic Bosses now drop the corresponding valcoin.jpg Epic Coin instead of jewelry
    - Tauti Rings, Power Rings, Weakened and Improved Costume Jewelry removed from the game
    - val1.jpg 1 LvL: Sold for euro.jpg 1500 Euros and eventcoin.png 3 Event Coin
    Increases: Physical Attack +3%, Mag Attack +4.5%, Physical Defense +3%, Mag Defense +3%, Attack Speed +1%, Casting Speed +1.5%.
    Additionally gives 25% of the corresponding Epic Jewelry
    - val2.jpg 2 LvL: Sold for euro.jpg 3000 Euros and  eventcoin.png 6 Event Coin
    ncreases: Physical Attack +6%, Mag Attack +9%, Physical Defense +6%, Mag Defense +6%, Attack Speed +2%, Cast Speed +3%
    Additionally gives 50% of the corresponding Epic Jewelry
    val3.jpg 3 LvL: Sold for euro.jpg 4500 Euros,  eventcoin.png 9 Event Coin, valcoin.jpg 1 Epic Coin and  jewel1.jpg 1 Behemoth, Benom Coin
    Increases: Physical Attack +9%, Mag Attack +13.5%, Physical Defense +9%, Mag Defense +9%, Attack Speed +3%, Cast Speed +4.5%
    Additionally gives 75% of the corresponding Epic Jewelry
    val4.jpg 4 LvL: Sold for euro.jpg 6000 Euros,  eventcoin.png 12 Event Coin, valcoin.jpg 2 Epic Coin and jewel1.jpg 2 Behemoth, Benom Coin
    Increases: Physical Attack +12%, Mag Attack +18%, Physical Defense +12%, Mag Defense +12%, Attack Speed +4%, Cast Speed +6%
    Additionally gives 100% of the corresponding Epic Jewelry
    - Jewelry works at the Olympics in the classic form, with no additional features

  • Quest: Euro:
     - For a change now has interchangeable locations, every hour the location with the monsters changes to 1 of 3:
    Abandoned Camp
    Forge of the Gods
    Hot Springs
     - All players in the zones will be moved to the new zone when it is changed
     - Added Champion monsters, Blue - x15, Red - x50, with increased characteristics and corresponding multiplication of drop and quest items

     - L2MAD Chest Premium Runes Removed from the Drop When You Open the l2madchest.jpg L2MAD Chest
  • Added 2 new costumes:
    black_shotrs.jpg Black Shotrs:
    Внешний вид:


    cowboy_suit.jpg Cowboy Suit:
    Внешний вид:


  • Completely changed Donate Shop:
     - It is no longer possible to buy Weapons, Armor, or Costume Jewelry (everything is obtained exclusively by in-game means, the "Other" section remains):
  • Changed prices and number of days to buy premium account:
  • At the Olympiad you can now buff up to 5 additional buffs to choose from:
    haste.png Haste: lvl 2
    ww.png Wind Walk: lvl 2
    empower.png Empower: lvl 3
    acumen.png Acumen: lvl 3
    concentration.png Concentration: lvl 6
    might.png Might: lvl 3
    guidance.png Guidance: lvl 3
    focus.png Focus: lvl 3
    death_whisper.png Death Whisper: lvl 3
    bers.png Berserker Spirit: lvl 2

  • Adjusted class balance

  • Fixed low attack speed problem with Duals in the Olympiad
  • Increased the number of monsters in MoS from which whitefeather.jpg white feathers fall
  • Now the damage you do to your opponent's pet is not counted when calculating the winner at the end of the battle, if the winner is determined by who passed on who

And many other fixes, about which there is no point in writing (on the server side).

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