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Quest: Euro


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Take the task for obtaining the euro.jpg Euro possible at npc Quest: Euro (dwells in each town).


1) Talk with npc Quest: Euro, take the task. He will send you to knock 225 qeurok.jpg bones that drop in 1 out of 5 locations (Normal Zone) or Tower of Insolence (Noob Zone), possible teleport there at the same NPC or from Global-Gk -> Farm Zone. When you collect all the bones, go back to npc Quest: Euro.
2) Now you have to kill the boss Plague Golem and knock off his qeuroit.jpg skull. Item drop to the party which killed it, with a 100% chance to all participants.
Respawn Plague Golem 60-90 seconds.
- For a change now has swappable locations, every 30 minutes the location with monsters changes to 1 of 5:
Abandoned Camp
Forge of the Gods
The Cemetary
Primeval Isle
 (Dino, bright side)
Silent Valley
 - All players in zones will be moved to the new zone when it is changed
 - nexttarget.jpg Next Target has been changed for comfortable farming
 - Now when completing the first stage (collect 225 Bones), when killing monsters, a blue (1% chance) and a red (0.2% chance) chest may appear and you can get one or more items by talking to it:
Blue/Red Bonus Chest: euro.jpg Euro, eventcoin.png Event Coin и l2mad.jpg Rare Coin

After completing this quest, you will receive 200 Euros (350 with premium) and l2madchest.jpg L2MAD Chest, from him may fall:
euro.jpg 100 Euro: chance 80%
prem.jpg 1 Premium character for 1 hour: chance 5%
eventcoin.png 1 Event Coin: chance 12%
l2mad.jpg 1 Rare Coinchance 3%

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