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Everything posted by Linnek

  1. Pls admin tell me what the hell happend to Warlord class? It rly suck as well, i know its hart to make a ballance but... Its impossible to farm or exp with wl... 0dmg / 0life steal / 0 atk speed what the hell is going on??? Why u cut his ballz??
  2. Linnek


    Witam serdecznie. Otwieramy rekrutacje do jedynego polskiego klanu na serverze. Aktualnie poszukiwani: -Cardi -PR/HE -TANK PAL Na ekwipunek pracujemy wspólnie, każdy kto dostaje sprzęt, płaci za niego krwią potem i łzami po wygranym lub przegranym pvp/rb/siege. Obowiązkiem jest posiadanie discorda (minimum odsłuch) Nie uzasadniona nieobecnosc na waznych wydazeniach lub zebraniach będzie uznawana jako faul, ktorego konsekwencja moze zostac nawet wydalenie z klanu. Klan jest w 100% polski. Każdy klanowicz liczy się z kazdym. Mimo twardych zasad atmosfera jest przyjazna a każdy u nas się wspiera. Nasza społeczność jest mała a to ze względu na fakt iż nie ma miejsca w naszym klanie dla chamstwa ani olewatorskiego podejscia. Kazdy w klanie placi za wszystko swoim czasem poswieconym na wspolną rozgrywkę. Rekrutacja u: Linnek Czekam na pm w grze
  3. Maybe i am wrong, mby not...this is a 5th day of the server, how the hell then some guys from only 1 clan can have epics +10?????? I am sps with tts +3/+4 am +5 and passive m barrier, playing on full resists, i was fighting with sps but... i hit him normal 120dmg and he hits me for 700dmg normal with same skill ;D After that someone told me why... Srsly guys? i understund thats funny to play at over powered characters vs not equiped players on server start be cause i has got my own server too... but... let me know... ur doing that because you are to weak to play like a normal player on server? There are no ballance, totaly... tyrant is 0... titan is 0... daggers are overpowered... dominator 0 it suck Imperial tomb is totaly bugged... this is 2019 and u cant buy a normal geodata for 50$? with good path nodes and zones? thats too expensive? Events are bugged items are disapearing from inventory Players on server are pking everywhere because u can remove pk by killing 1 mob thats sick and they are pking bcs they are just a russian (kill or die) Putin will not drop the bomb on your house if u will make some events some times.... this server is borring GMS... play more with full epics +++ and this server will die cause of u
  4. International clan is recruting. - English is default Language in clan/ally chat - 8 LvL Full skills - Varka Ally - Preparing for bosses and epics - I am looking for active ppl - Farm/PvP Clan - No Wars! <yet > PM: Linnek in game Or write PM here By your choice See u in game! <3
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