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Everything posted by VaustII

  1. I donated at end of november and still havent received, so that may take a while :D They even contacted me on PayPal asking if i received the COLs, and after I replied, no sign from admins ever since
  2. Ye, so all i will do is make archer and that will solve my problem? Get a grip of reality mate. Moment, when mage kills tank on 3 hits indicates disbalance. If you have problem with disbalance of of the tyrant, create your own thread with your insight regarding the matter and describe it properly.. Also, im not talking about destroying mages, im talking about not making the server mage-oriented, mage-dominating
  3. I do understand you built this server for mages to dominate, perhaps even you play mages yourselves here. However, their damage is just way overpowering. a tank with 3.3k mdef getting critted for 4.5k? I think its a misunderstanding of some sort. Can you look into the matter please? It almost makes it impossible to compete anyhow against mages. Please try to make it work in a way that the server is more balanced. Also, can you please look at the vengeance UD skill? im not sure how it is with other tanks, but on my shillien templar, once used, cannot be deleted from buffs like regular UD. Another thing, aggression doesnt work. Description says the skill will keep someone aggro'd at you for 6-8 seconds, but often it doesnt hold 2 seconds and the cooldown is ridiculous when looking at 'gains' of the skill, or it's lackof. Thank you
  4. Please beware. Today 'Scooter' appeared as a hero who decimated us at hallate. Freedom clan confirms him being admin GG, corruption
  5. Why did i get timed out for saying you dont respond to players, but remove their messages on discord?
  6. since there are many topics about it, i assume its just a sham? I was supposed to receive 30COL from yesterday's giveaway win. Still nothing. Do admins read it at all?
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