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Everything posted by letalbug

  1. letalbug

    Bye Bye

    Hello gentlemen. Given my BAN and the consequent cancellation of all my objects, I leave the server. I thank everyone who helped me: - Thanks Yurbas for the help in the beginning -Thanks to the clan for their support and a little less thank you for not being able to do the quest for ketra lvl 5 in 2 months .... -Thanks Ombre for the advice and chat. -Thanks to Nafarinil for the farming nights -Thanks to the server for making me have a nice time. Why do I go away: - The disparity with which members are treated within the server. - The reason for my ban: ridiculous - Little time left and therefore little to invest. It all started thanks to the ban for a truly futile mortgage. Apparently buying an MMO specific $ 60 Gaming Mouse is ILLEGAL on this server LOGITECH G600. As the mouse can emulate lineage 2 macros and this is considered illegal.Yeah, using my brand new mouse and it's driver is illegal. It is therefore illegal to spend $ 60 on hardware and play with it. I played Dota2, LOL, Lineage2 (other servers), CS GO, Age of Empire II and many other games without any problems. To play on this server you have to use standard 2 € mice,they can't have any other buttons and trouble if they do something more. (but 200 € for the unban they ask you without problems). There would be more to say, such as the players who AFK farm without responding to PMs and who let themselves be pkapped without reacting. We would have to talk about the useless HotSpring quest captcha, I could talk about the impossibility of using the deathmatch skills for fighters and debuffs ... but this is no longer the server where I play, it will be up to you users let these "ADMIN" listen to you. Good Game and goodbye to everyone. [ITA]Cavalier LETALBUG
  2. Tnx Adm1ral, i have posted on technical section.
  3. In Deathmatch Duelist can't use: Sonic Buster Sonic Storm Please Fix.
  4. Hello, I won the giveaway on discord but i haven't received the reward yet, how can i fix it? LETALBUG 100x Old
  5. hello people ! i have a question for you all: Where i can find : Recipe:Leonins Mold Recipe:Warsmiths Mold Recipe:Arcsmiths Anvil Recipe:Warsmiths Holder I've seen some dwarfs in town that have these recipes but I can't find anything in the shop, on the internet or in lineage 2 databases. Can you give me the drop list or the monster who drop/spoil it? Someone told me they were added in the shop but then removed, why? it is not fair that some players have access to resources and others do not. 100x Old
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