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About Azwrait

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  1. Azwrait

    Clans L2MAD

    Currently the top 3 clans on the server are from the same players, does anyone think this is fair? We who play in Brazil have already faced the problem of the 6-hour time zone, which makes it very difficult for our clan to fight for the Epic boss, among other things that we can only fight on Saturday and / or Sunday, and also on those days that occur Siege. GM DO YOU THINK IT FAIR? The minimum was to implement a penalty for this clan exchange, this is ugly, people are leaving the server, my clan is having a great time BUT CLEARLY some players are being privileged, if in retail there is a penalty for this outflow and outflow clan, it was the minimum that the Administrator should do, unless he really wants to privilege the players of this clan. We at Kamikaze kindly ask that the epic boss hours be RETAIL, as we are being constantly harmed. I await a positioning, attentively.
  2. The Manor Manager it works ?*** We confirmed the Manor of Rune on Monday and to date the seeds are not available for purchase.
  3. Tha Manor Manager it is disable?
  4. Azwrait


    Wind Walk and Haste are automatic buffs for Fighters in olly ?
  5. Azwrait


    I see the post about castles, finish this topic.
  6. Azwrait


    What happened with castles?? https://l2mad.ws/index.php?f=stat&act=castles&sid=1
  7. Is it possible to put an npc buffer inside the Clan Halls? Our clan succeeded and we thought it would be very good, the suggestion remains. ¿Es posible poner un búfer npc dentro de las Salas del Clan? Nuestro clan tuvo éxito y pensamos que sería muy bueno, la sugerencia permanece.
  8. And good question about the quest, I believe it is an alternative, after all with the current quest drop it would not be as difficult as the quest is, because the sub class part is taken from the NPC;
  9. I agree, playing against donates is very complicated, but against them they lack fingers, they are terrible game play, fortunately donate does not give fingers. ?
  10. Clans that have a castle, on the website Castles there are only 4 players, is there any punishment for clans that have a castle that are going in and out of the clans? We were unable to organize ourselves because we did not know who was defending the castle, because when you search for the clan on the site you only have 4 or 5 players? I believe that some restriction must exist in Retail, and if not there is an issue to be observed urgently, as it is difficult for small clans to set up strategies for Siege. Clanes que tienen un castillo, en el sitio web Castillos solo hay 4 jugadores, ¿hay algún castigo para los clanes que tienen un castillo que entran y salen de los clanes? No pudimos organizarnos porque no sabíamos quién estaba defendiendo el castillo, porque cuando buscas el clan en el sitio solo tienes 4 o 5 jugadores. Creo que debe existir alguna restricción en Retail, y si no es así, hay un problema que se debe observar con urgencia, ya que es difícil para los pequeños clanes establecer estrategias para Siege.
  11. You are crazy? What makes the server interesting is the competition, gather your clan and get organized, we are doing it.
  12. I agree with almost everything, but the idea of the Chest to finish the quest would make it very "Easy", this current system makes it more "Difficult", but a third alternative would be valid, because, being very easy it loses its grace. I didn't particularly like a Lineage 2 server since 2013, so I think a good study on the topic is worthwhile.
  13. I have a question, I would like to know if the Elemental Master class and the other sumoners, have the Summon Smart Cubic level 80 skill, I am thinking of playing olly, but I wanted to know this. Thanks in advance guys!
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